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Writing your graduation thesis

Writing graduation thesis gives you the last chance to struggle with academic investigations if you do not go to any graduate school. Since your entrance of elementary school, you have studied parts of academic outcomes.

Imagine basic arithmetic. It was a part of researches about 5000 years ago. Any subjects you studied in schools were a part of researches in the past. Now that you are a university student, you get great chances to study the frontier of any fields. So, if you do not look at front line of a field, you lose the chance to see evermore. I do not want you to lose the chance.

So, all the students in my seminar are asked to read some technical articles published recently. This is because they are at the frontier of some fields. In particular, I recommend some papers published in top-ranked journals of fields. I know they are difficult to read. But, when you struggle with such articles during the last year of your university life, you will get valuable experiences you have never had before.

So don't hesitate to read the articles, and study some backgrounds to read them. Then, you will get valuable abilities and thinking ways to solve any difficulty.  


What subjects of Economics SILS offers.

SILS offers some subjects in Economics. The subjects opened in 2017 are listed in the bottom. As emphasized before, Economics basically consists of Micro & Macro economic theory and Econometrics. And, if you decide to study economics, you should step the introduction level to study effectively. Unfortunately, SILS does not offer econometrics in intermediate level. You should study it for yourself. Since Econometrics uses some math & statistics, it may be good to join Quantitative method for Economics though it is introduction level. After that, the following textbooks are useful to study econometrics: 山本拓「 計量経済学 」日本評論社 J. H. Stock & M. W. Watson (著)  Introduction to Econometrics  (Pearson). I guess the latter is a little bit more difficult, but it is marginal. Recent development of econometrics enables us to examine causality relations among data. But this is advanced. Before studying it, you need study basic econometrics such as linear regressions. If you are i

What & how is Ishikawa Seminar?

Before the beginning of every semester, junior and senior students have a chance to join a seminar. In this entry, I state basic policies and what to study in my seminar.(各セメスターの前に、三年生及び四年生はゼミに入れる機会があります。このエントリーでは、私のゼミ(石川ゼミ)がどのような形で進められ、何を勉強するのかをお話ししたいと思います。) In my seminar, you study economic theory or econometric analysis based on professional publications. When you join my seminar, I ask you what your interest is. Following your interest, I assign some technical papers related to your interest to each of you. (私のセミナーでは、専門論文を元に、経済理論もしくは計量経済分析を学びます。みなさんが私のゼミに入る時に、みなさんが何に興味を持っているのかを聞きます。その興味に沿って、専門論文をみなさんに割り当てます。) Your interest is not necessarily related with economics, Indeed, past students chose various topics such as sports, travel, Artificial intelligence, marketing and so on. This is because it is possible to analyze such topics in the framework of Economics.(みなさんの興味は必ずしも経済学である必要はありません。実際、過去の学生は、スポーツ・旅行・AI・マーケティングなど様々なトピックを選んでいます。なぜならば、これらのトピックを経済学の枠組みで分析するできるからです。) However,